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Perfume refill business has been in my mind for a long time until 2023 when I decided to set one. My location was Eastleigh where people buy them in plenty. My set up cost was Ksh 300,000. But one can start the business with as little as Ksh 50,000.
My main challenge was to identify the best perfumes to mix and make sales. At first it was a challenge but later after getting experience and learning from the business, I got it right.
I can buy perfumes of Ksh30,000,mix them and put them into small portions and sell to my clients. Ksh 30,000 will generate Ksh50,000 to Ksh 70,000.
In a day, my business generates Ksh2,000 to Ksh7,000. During. In a month if you are in a location where people use perfumes a lot, your business will do very well. In a month,I make Ksh 50,000 to Ksh200,000.
When starting this business, you need to get the location right and identify the perfume that most people would love to use. Women buy cheap perfume while men don’t mind buying expensive perfume. When stocking, perfumes for women should be cheaper and plenty.
Another thing is rent. This business doesn’t require a lot of space. You can even rent a room of Ksh 5,000 per month. You may even start the business online and avoid paying rent. If your business will be done online, you will also avoid paying for licenses.
Another thing to do is get the location right. This business cannot do well in remote areas or cold areas. Mombasa, Kisumu and Nairobi are the best places to start perfume refill business.
You should also identify the source of the perfume. Luckily, nowadays there are many places to buy. Here in Eastleigh, there are shops which sell perfumes wholesale price.
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