Here is a list of top 20 most profitable crops to crow in Kenya
- Dragon Fruit
This fruit has a big demand in the country, however it is scarce, hence it is imported. The fruits are in the cactus family. 1 acre of land can accommodate 1000 vines, each vine’s produces at least 30 fruits in number, the prices from 1kilogram is 800 Kenyan shillings. They do well, when grown in tropic and sub tropic regions that have high temperature 20-320C is sufficient. In Kenya there is a farm in Naivasha that grows these fruits.
- Passion Fruits.
Passion fruit is on demand in the juice industries in Kenya e.g. Coca Cola company, Afia Juice, Delmonte etc. It takes 5-18 months for the fruit to mature and ripen. The demand for passion is high; however, the supply is low. They are grown in Nyamira, Kakamega, Nyeri, Murang’a among other regions.
- Strawberries
The demand for strawberries is always high is Kenya, making local companies to import. This fruit is used in various ways, from making jams, yoghurt, ice cream, perfumes and many more. An eighth of an acre would be okay for a start, it takes only 70days for the fruit to mature.
- Mushrooms
There are various types of mushrooms, however, I’ll mention only two for now i.e. Oyster and Shiitake. Mushrooms are land and rainfall independent hence require a small space for a start, a mud thatched house would do, and on top it will provide the right climate for the mushroom to thrive and grow.
- Pawpaw
There are different types of pawpaw, the dwarf types mature within 9 months. 1 acre of land accommodates 1100 trees. 1kg of pawpaw, costs 30 Kenyan shillings and above, each pawpaw seedling retails at 50bob each.
- Tea/Coffee
The industry of coffee and tea is worth millions of Kenyan shillings. It has the highest foreign exchange in Kenya. It is grown in Kericho, Bomet, Nandi, Vihiga, Murang’a, Kisii, Kiambu, Meru etc.
- Flowers
The flowers grown in Kenya are mainly for exportation. The Flowers industry does well in Kenya because of the ready market it has abroad. They are grown in Nakuru, Kiambu and Naivasha.
- Pyrethrum
This plan is important and it is not produced enough in Kenya. It is used to make pesticides. They are grown in Nakuru, Limuru Sotik, Kisii, Nyamira and parts of Kinangop.
- Cotton
This crop is mostly used in the textile industry in making different types of clothes and it is always in demand. It is grown in Siaya, Tana River, Machakos, Busia and Homa bay in Kenya.
- Sugarcane
Sugarcane is on high demand from the sugar manufacturing companies. It takes longer to grow sugarcane in cooler climate than in warm climates. In Kenya it is grown in Kakamega, Busia, Chemilil, Muhoroni, Bungoma.
- Cashew nuts
They are grown for export and for use here in the country to make peanut butter and other oil products. It takes two to three years to harvest nuts. They grow in Taita Taveta, Tana River, Kilifi and Kwale.
- Sisal
This crop is grown in Kilifi and Voi regions in Kenya. It is used to make fibre clothes, ropes, strings etc. It is harvested after two years, in a good region it produces between 180-240 leaves.
- Bananas.
It is exported and Kenyans consume bananas all the time in their households. It is grown is Kisii, Meru and other regions.
- Watermelon
The best watermelons are produced by hot regions in Kenya; it is grown in Makueni, Machakos, Kajiado, Coastal regions because watermelon requires a lot of sunshine to turn out well. It takes 100- 120 days from seedling to harvest.
- Garlic
This is in the onion family and among the best horticultural plant. a kilo costs 30 Kenya shillings depending with the region one is in. 1 acre can produce up to 4000-5000 Kilos
- Beans
It is always on high demand in Kenya, from the households’ food to hotels and schools. It takes 55-65days to mature depending with the type. It is grown in the rift valley, Central, western and others.
- Coconut
This fruit grows in the coastal regions of Kenya like Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi etc. It grows well in a free draining aerated soil.
- Maize
There has been maize shortage in Kenya. There has been demand from the maize milling companies. Depending with the type of maize, it takes 60-100days to grow and harvest maize. The regions that grow maize include; western, eastern and Rift Valley
- Onions
This crop is consumed daily in every Kenyan household. It will always be in demand. An acre of hybrid bulb onion earns up to 150k-650k. It is grown in Kieni Mahi mahiu, Oloitoktok and other regions.
- Carrots
It thrives well in cool to warm areas; it takes 55-80days to harvest depending with the variety. the regions that grow carrots include; Nairobi, Nyanza, Coast, Rift Valley, Western and Eastern.