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There are different types of roofing a house depending with one’s preference. Before constructing a house, the person designing and building the house should know what you prefer. This article strictly focuses on pros and cons of flat roof houses.
Advantages of Flat Roof Houses
One can easily get to the top (roof) without straining. This is one of the standing out pros of flat roof houses compared to the pitched roof tops. It is also easy for maintenance/renovation, in case of any damages which may take place in the long run
This type of roofing is cost-effective compared to others due to the few materials it requires. One does not need a lot of workers to put it in place or engineered trusses and rafters that are needed in pitched roofs.
Since the roof is easily accessible, one can notice and repair the damages quickly. They are also easy to clean and prevent the debris from building up on the roof. Just like concrete flat roof are easy/best to clean through pressure washing.
If you are planning on extending your home/house in the future, flat roofing is the best, because it is easy to extend the house when time comes.
Flat roofing allows for enough light access because of the angled overhangs. The flat roofing does not have angled overhangs that would often obstruct lights rays from entering the house.
Flat roofing perfectly fits any landscaping style/theme especially for modern houses designs. This makes one get many beautiful designs to get inspiration from.
Flat roofing makes it easier and safer for one to walk on top of the roof without fear of falling or sliding.
Flat roofing offers adequate space on top to put water tanks, air conditioners and solar, this saves on space.
With flat roofing there’s high potential of having leakages which often leads to insurance charging high premiums unlike the pitched rooftops which are made of aluminum/zinc that often withstands high temperature and can properly drain water and snow.
This is one of the major disadvantages of flat roofing. Plants with invasive roots could burrow into your roof and cause serious leakages.
Flat roofing has a short life span of up to 10 to 15 years, that is, when highly maintained. Unlike the pitched houses which have a long span.
One must put am extra effort in maintaining a flat roof because of the debris which grow over time and can cause serious roof leakage when not taken care of. Regular roof inspection is often required.
This is among the major downsides of flat roofing. Flat roofing works better in arid climatic regions, hence places with frequent rainfall and cold areas experience pooling because of poor drainage systems which is often associated with flat roofing.
The flat roofing materials are rare and scarce in the market making it difficult to have varieties.
Flat roofing have a tendency to be less stable, especially when the building is big. The bigger the flat roof the less stable it is.
I find it surprising that you could use flat roofing to create a modern-looking home that’s easy to maintain. My friend is planning to invest in renovating his property to boost its value. I should talk to him about finding a roofing expert for this in the future.
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