Cooperative Bank has one branch along Ngong Road. The branch code is 11125 . Below are the important details about the branch:
Ngong Branch
Branch Code:...
Cooperative Bank has opened its newest branch at Marimanti. The bank announced that the branch is now open and members can transact.
“Co-op Bank Marimanti...
In Transami Nairobi, Bedsitters and one-bedroom houses are the majority. The estate is right along the Airport Road and is bordering the great Pipeline...
Ena coach has adjusted their fare prices for the year 2023.If you are travelling from Nairobi to Kisii you’ll pay Ksh1,200.Those travelling from Nairobi...
There are many institutions offering urgent loans in Kenya of Ksh 10,000 to Ksh 30,000.One place you should avoid is a microfinance instititution.Most of...
Unaitas offers the best loans with low interest rates.The Sacco provides Long and short term loans to members.
Development LoanMaono Group LoanBiashara LoanProject...
Sun King MPESA Paybill Number is 323458.To pay for services from Sun King,follow these steps:
Go to MPesa menu on your phone.
Select Lipa na MPesa.