Prices of Items of basic commodities in Kenya have increased significantly over the past two years. If you have Ksh1, 000 you’ll not buy more than 10 items. Many people are wondering, in case you have Ksh1, 000, which items will you buy?!!
Assuming you are buying supper, you’ll buy the following items:
1kg of meat=Ksh 550
Tomatoes, Sukuma and onion=Ksh 100
2kg Cooking flour=Ksh 100
¼ KG Cooking oil=Ksh 250
If you are buying items from the supermarket, you’ll buy the following items
2 packets of milk=Ksh100
2kg cooking flour=Ksh100
I roll of tissue paper=Ksh400
Alternatively, you can buy these items with Ksh 1,000:
Half KG of cooking oil=Ksh 500
Sugar 1kg=Ksh100
Rice 1kg=Ksh200
Maize flour=Ksh 100
As you can see from above, Ksh1, 000 is not enough to do shopping for all the items you need in a home. Shopping requires Ksh5, 000 and above.