How much money do you need to live comfortably in Mombasa


To live comfortably in Mombasa it depends whether you are a Kenyan or a foreigner. For a foreigner, you will spend $1000 to $4000 per month depending on which estate you settle in.For Kenyans, you must earn Ksh 50,000 to Ksh 150,000 monthly.

In Mombasa life can be expensive if you like having fun. But for someone who doesn’t like a lot of fun, you’ll not spend more than Ksh50,000 per month.

The large percentage of the money will go to rent. House rent will cost Ksh 10,000 to Ksh 30,000 depending on the estate you settle in.You will spend Ksh 3,000-Ksh 10,000 on rent, Ksh 7,000 to Ksh 15,000 on shopping and other expenses. With an income of Ksh 50, 000, you can manage to save Ksh 10,000 monthly.

For a foreigner, you will settle in Mtwapa, Nyali,Malindi or other estates where foreigners settle. The rent per month goes for $500 to $1500.If you add rent and other expenses, you’ll spend not less than $1000 per month.

Generally, life in Mombasa is cheaper than Nairobi especially in regard to transport, rent and food.But if you love to have fun,it won’t be cheap.

Mombasa is one of the best tourist attraction cities in Africa, it’s visited by locals and foreigners.


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