Cost of renting a bedsitter, one bedroom and two bedroom house in Utawala


Utawala is one of the best estates to live in Nairobi. Most of the houses here are categorized into bedsitter, one bedroom and two bedrooms. The cost of renting houses in Utawala ranges between Ksh5, 000 and Ksh 25,000 per month.

If you want to rent a bedsitter in Utawala, you’ll pay Ksh 5,500 to Ksh 8,000 per month. The bedsitters here are specious and cheap compared to estates like Kilimani, South C, South B and Nairobi West.

One bedroom house costs Ksh 8,000 to Ksh 15,000 to rent. The one going for Ksh 15,000 is spacious, modern and close to the main road.

If you want to rent a 2 bedroom house, you’ll pay Ksh 14,000 to Ksh25, 000.But 2 bedrooms are not as many as bedsitters and one bedroom houses.

For those who want to rent a bedsitter, you are required to have at least Ksh15, 000 when looking for one. The landlord will demand one month deposit, money for water, electricity and watchman. If one month rent is Ksh7, 000, you’ll pay Ksh 14,000 for two months and when you add other charges, you’ll pay Ksh15, 000 to Ksh 17,000 to settle in the house.

Utawala is ideal place to live if you work along Mombasa Road, Nairobi CBD and along Jogoo Road. If you work in town, you’ll be using Mombasa Road.


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