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Ksh 500 is enough to buy breakfast, lunch or supper in Kenya.If you live in Nairobi, you’ll buy the following items;
Bread(Ksh 50)
Sugar(Ksh 120)
Tea leaves(Ksh50)
Ugali + matumbo=Ksh 150
You’ll remain with less than Ksh100 which you can buy eggs for supper.
In short, Ksh500 is enough to spend breakfast, lunch and supper.
You can also spend Ksh500 note to buy rice 2 kgs, cooking oil and baking flour.
The money is also enough to buy half kg of meat, tomatoes, onions and maize flour. You’ll remain with some cash to spend on breakfast.
In Kenya,Ksh500 is not a lot of money, it can last not more than two days.
Hustler fund gives a minimum of Ksh 500 to every borrower. If you want to start a business with it, here is one of those you can start:
“Quick Mathematics from my dm “MY VIEW ON HUSTLER FUND 500 bob is a lot of money. You can buy 10 litres of raw milk at 40 bob from a farmer. (400*10) = 400 bob Buy 10 litres mutungi at 50 bob. Buy a measuring panel one litre at 25bob. Your business is set. Sell all the 10 litres at 70 bob per litre 10*70 = 700 SHILLINGS EVERY DAY YOU HAVE OVER 300 SHILLINGS IN TERMS OF PROFIT IF YOU REPEAT. Assume you sell morning and evening you will have 600 SHILLINGS profit. IDEA TWO Buy a tray of eggs at 300 bob. Buy charcoal of 50 bob for boiling. Nyanya/Kitunguu – 100 bob Sell all the 30 eggs at 25 bob each 30*25 = 750 shillings 750-450 = 300 Shillings. Assume you sell two trays you will have 600 shillings. Per month with 600 shillings you have over 18000 monthly on the two IDEAS. So take the 500 bob and use it wisely”
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