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Ngara is one of the estates which are closest to Nairobi CBD.If you want to rent a bedsitter, one bedroom, two bedroom or 3 bedroom house in this estate, you have to pay more than you could pay in Eastlands because of its proximity to Nairobi CBD.
Most of the houses in Ngara are Apartment. To rent a bedsitter in Ngara, you’ll pay Ksh 10,000 to Ksh20, 000 per month. There are some bedsitters which cost even Ksh30, 000 per month especially those occupied by well off families.
One bedroom house in Ngara costs Ksh 15,000 to Ksh 40,000 per month. If you want a house which has enough water and security, you’ll pay more than Ksh 25,000 per month for one bedroom.
Two bedroom house costs Ksh 25,000 to Ksh50, 000 per month. You can even get one for Ksh 70,000 especially if it’s in a very secure environment.
Three bedroom houses are not many in Ngara but if you get one, you’ll spend at least Ksh 50,000 per month.
From Ngara to Nairobi CBD is a walking distance. It’s also a walking distance to Westlands Nairobi. Instead of paying Ksh 8,000 for a bedsitter in Umoja and spending Ksh5, 000 monthly for rent, you better rent a bedsitter in Ngara for Ksh 11,000 and save some cash.
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