Best and most profitable business to start in Nairobi 2023


This year 2023 there are a number of best businesses to start in Nairobi if you want to become a successful millionaire. In Nairobi the population is huge and there is a lot of money you can earn if you target this population. Below is a list of some of the best and most profitable businesses to start in Nairobi

  • PlayStation

PlayStation business is among the most profitable businesses in Nairobi. You will start with a capital of Ksh300, 000 but the daily income will range between Ksh5, 000 and Ksh30, 000.

One of the challenges of owning PlayStation business is security. You should install CCTV cameras and also employ someone to guard the business at night.

Another challenge is harassment from the police. But as an entrepreneur, you should know how to handle the police.

  • Hotel business

Most people in Nairobi don’t cook in their homes, they eat in hotels. Start a small restaurant where you sell traditional food and also mix with fast foods.You will earn a lot of money. Ensure that the food is relatively cheap in order to attract more customers.

Restaurant business in Nairobi require capital of Ksh 300,000 to Ksh2 million

  • Hardware shop

You should also consider setting up a hardware shop because it’s very profitable. But it must be in areas like Joska, Kitengela, Ruiru and Ngong where serious construction is taking place.

The capital for starting hardware business start from Ksh 1 million.

  • Grocery shop

There are guys earning even Ksh100,000 per month in Nairobi, they have opened grocery business with enough space. Some of them arrange the product like in a supermarket.

In Nairobi you can’t go wrong when you sell food items because most people don’t plant anything in the city, they buy.

With as little as Ksh 20,000 you can start a grocery shop in Nairobi.

  • Garage business

If you have a space of half an acre and above in Nairobi, start the business of garage and repairing cars, you will be a millionaire.

Even if you didn’t study mechanical engineering, you can still operate the business and employ people to work for you.

  • Electronics shop

If you want to set up business in Nairobi CBD, electronics shop is one of the best. You can sell smartphones or televisions. But make sure that the items you sell are genuine because you will get a lot of competition from Somalis in the CBD.

  • Butchery

One of the most underrated businesses is butchery business. But those who are doing the business are progressing well in life. There is a mzee who has 10 butcheries in Eastlands, he tells me that he makes over 100k per day. He doesn’t sell donkey or dog meat, people trust him because his meat is genuine.

The capital of starting a small butchery range between Ksh 70,000 and Ksh 150,000.

  • Wines & Spirits business

One thing you will have to tackle is harassment from police when doing wines & spirits business. If you will manage this, then your business will thrive. You will need a capital of ksh150, 000 and above to start a serious wines & Spirits business. In a day, the business will fetch at least Ksh 2,000.

  • Airbnb

Airbnb is a serious business in Naiorbi.Nowadays people prefer Airbnb to guest houses. The good thing about Airbnb is that you can start with as little as Ksh20, 000.All you need is to rent a room and convert it into Airbnb.

But for you to succeed in this business you MUST be secretive—don’t go around telling people who and who came to your business. You should also mind their privacy, don’t install cameras everywhere to make them uncomfortable.

  • Sell mitumba bales

Instead of selling mitumba in retail, import in bails and sell to other businesses. The demand for mitumba bales is very high in Kenya. Nairobi is the best place to do the business.

  • Sell turkey clothes

Most working class women in Nairobi aren’t buying clothes from Eastleigh, they go for Turkey clothes. The beauty of Turkey clothes is that their quality is good. But they are very expensive, implying that you have to target working class people.

  • Transport construction materials

Buy trucks to transport construction materials. This business will definitely thrive especially in satellite towns. You can also use the trucks to transport items from Nairobi to other towns.

  • Timber yard

Timber yard business is difficult to operate but it’s one of the best businesses to start in Nairobi. This one is a perfect business for someone with capital in millions.

The hardest part is to get licenses to operate the business but getting customers is guaranteed.

  • Primary & High school

In Nairobi there are no enough schools, the few available are overcrowded. Buy land in Kitengela, Ngong, Joska or Syokimau and build a school. You will not look for students, they will come.

Employ high trained teachers and if possible incorporate British Curriculum.

  • Mobile phone repair business

Another very profitable business to start in Nairobi is mobile phone repair. The business should be strictly within Nairobi CBD or in crowded estates. I can assure you, becoming a millionaire is easy for you in this business.

  • Start making money online

Become an academic writer, blogger or a YouTuber and make money online.

  • Start a recruiting agency

Start a recruiting agency for people seeking jobs in the Middle East.The demand is high and Nairobi is the most ideal place to start this business.


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