See shocking house this Kenyan man built after pocketing Ksh 10 million from his Brother in USA(Photos)


Shocking photos of a Kenyan man building a house has emerged. The man received Ksh 10 million from his brother in USA to build a house. After 1 years,she took these photos and sent to his brother to see the progress. Already he had pocketed the money. The brother was shocked beyond recovery.

This happens to many Kenyans who live in diaspora. They send money to their relatives back at home to do projects only for them to squander the money. Even those in Gulf are not spared.

After receiving the photos,the owner of this house never talked with his brother again,they aren’t in good terms.The brother took the money, bought a car and built his good house, leaving the US brother with nothing.

Below are the photos of the house:


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