G4S Branches and Contacts in Kenya


G4S has several branches in Kenya and each branch has its own contacts. Below we provide contact details for G4S and the list of branches:

G4S branch contacts

 Head Office Nairobi 0732 171 2000/ 0711 042 000 / 020 698 2000

Courier Head Office 0732 171 223 / 0732 171 000

RegionContact Details
Bungoma0733 349230 / 0701-634859
Busia0701-634804 / 0733-349237
Diani0708-579546 / 0731-349247
Eldoret Eldoret- Kabarnet0705 166651/ 0732-349268 0736 888264
Embu -Chuka Embu office0736 888148 0733 349271
Homa Bay Homabay – Mbita0701 634804  0736 888245
Kakamega Kakamega-Malava0734-349 280 / 0701 634789 0736 888202
Kapsabet 0701 634774 / 0739 349303 
Karatina 0705-166657 
Kericho0701-658325 / 0732-349314 
Kerugoya (060) 2021015 / 0705-166 640 
Kilifi 0715-004100 
Kisii (058) 203 0853 / 2030906/0729-055 556 
Kisumu 0722 200561 0733-433 800 
Kitale (020) 2352395 / 0732-349374 
Kitui 0733-425785 
Limuru 0705-166663 
Machakos (044) 202176 / 0702-915240 / 0732-425952 
Malindi (042) 212 0050 / (042)2131982 0790-204849 / 0734-478800 
Meru (064) 31238 / 31502 / 0705-166672
Migori (059) 20333 / 0733-478704 
Mombasa (041) 2226606 / 0790-204848 / 0722-200560 
Mumias (056) 6641280 / 0731-478808 
Murang’a 0719 706104 / 0701-634945 
Naivasha (050) 2020174 / 2020170 / 0733-234012 
Nakuru (051) 2216656 / 2217046 0736-999884/0701-634862 
Nanyuki (062) 2031704 / 2032481 0733-234414  
Nyahururu (065) 2022576/0733-570593 
Nyeri  (061) 2032198 /0705-166629  
Voi  (043) 2030056/0731-570596
Watamu  (042) 2332433/0700-716443  

Head office contacts for G4S

Head Office    info@ke.g4s.com

Courier                        couriercs@ke.g4s.com 


  •  H Q : 0711042000 / 0732172000

Courier : 0732171000 / 0703011000

You can also visit our Head Office on

Witu Road, Off Lusaka Road.


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