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Below are branches and contacts for The Mater Hospital
Main HospitalP.O Box 30325 – 00100 NairobiTel: 020 690 3000, 0732 163 000 or 0719 073 000
Thika Medical Centre3rd Floor, above Tuskys Chania SupermarketTel: 020-6903400, 0712-229988, 0733-370581
Development House Medical CentreDevelopment House 1st Floor, Moi Avenue/Tom Mboya StreetTel: 020-6903600, 0719-333222, 0737-763111
Kasarani Medical Centre2nd Floor, Thika Road Mall at the junction of Kamiti/Thika roadsTel: 020-6903900, 0726-433179, 0731-000994
Buruburu Medical Centre1st floor, Fairlane Building above Uchumi SupermarketTel: 020-6903700, 0719-888444, 0733-809916
Westlands Medical CentreMezzanine 3, Kenrail Towers along Ring road Parklands, opp. 9 WestTel: 020-6903800, 0714-660862, 0734-778800
Mater Hospital Call Centre numbers are 0719073000 / 0732163000 / 020 6303000 or Accidents and Emergency Department contact is 0719073051
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