There are a number of profitable small businesses you can start in Kenya with as low as Ksh 5,000.
Here is a list of the businesses:
- YouTube channel
- Selling mitumba clothes
- Selling roasted maize
- Selling mutura
- Starting a grocery shop
- Selling roasted maize
- Selling mandazi and chapati in your estate
- Hawking
- Sell items on social media
YouTube channel
To start a YouTube channel, you need a smartphone and internet. YouTube does not need any registration fee. Once you create a channel, create and upload videos. You will start earning after your videos get at least 4000 watch time hours. You should also have at least 500 subscribers.
Selling mitumba clothes
Mitumba business is also another profitable business to start with as low as Ksh 5,000.
Go to Gikomba, buy clothes and move around with them. Start by selling to people in homes, later get a space and display them for your clients.
Roasted maize business
You only need charcoal and a jiko to start the business. With as low as Ksh 2000, you will start the business.
You will be making Ksh 300 to Ksh 3,000 per day.
Selling mutura
Set up a mutura base infront of a butchery. The capital required won’t exceed Ksh 15,000.
To operate the business successfully, you must be clean and also sell meat from cow. Don’t be greedy, don’t sell mutura prepared by dog, donkey or cat meat. Be honest and your business will grow.
Small grocery shop
You don’t have to start with a big shop, just look for a table and start selling tomatoes, onions, Sukuma and cabbage. You will upgrade later. Capital of Ksh 5,000 is enough to start the business.
Sell Mandazi and chapati in the estate
If you live in Nairobi estates, one of the small profitable businesses to start is selling mandazi and Chapati.You need a capital of Ksh 5,000 only.
Estates like Kayole, Pipeline, Kitengela, Githurai, Kawangware, Rongai and Kibera are among the best for starting the business.
Hawking is business that doesn’t require physical location. The idea of paying rent is eliminated. All you need is to buy items and move around to sell to your customers.
Sell items on social media
Social media is a powerful tool for selling items online. Smartphones, dresses and shoes are some of the best items to sell on social media.
You don’t have to buy the items before marketing them online, take photos and post online.
Your capital will be less than Ksh 5,000.