The cost of building a latrine in Kenya range between Ksh 70,000 and Ksh 150,000. It all depends on the quality of materials you use, labour costs and the type of soil in that area. Here is a testimony of one of those who built a latrine in Kenya.
“I heard somewhere that you can built a latrine for Ksh 40,000, I don’t think it’s true. Mine costed Ksh 90,000 and it’s because I squeezed myself financially. I could have spent even more than Ksh100k.Here is how I spent the money:
Digging of the latrine—Ksh 10,000
Materials—Ksh 30,000
Iron Sheets—Ksh 20,000
Labour—Ksh 12,000
Finishing—Ksh 10,000
Miscellaneous—Ksh 5,000
Doors and small windows—Ksh 9,000
Total=Ksh 96,000
I purchased durable iron sheets from MRM.I ordered and they delivered after 3 weeks. I used blocks instead of bricks. I didn’t buy 1 full vehicle because the latrine was small, it consumed less than half a vehicle.
I also supervised the construction myself. I feared they could exaggerate prices.You know,kuna time I was building a small house at home,I gave the work to my brother.He really wasted me—I ended up spending over Ksh 3 million for a 2 bedroom house.Kumbe huyu nyangau had colluded with the hardware. I send money for 20 bags of cement,he only collects 10-15 of them and pockets money for the rest.Ni fundi mmoja alinichanua,otherwise I could have spent more money.
Hii mjengo when doing it,don’t delegate the duties.If possible,omba leave you supervise the work yourself”
Latrine construction takes less than 2 weeks if all the materials are available.