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If you are working as a civil servant, Helb will offer you a loan of up to Ksh 500,000 per year. The TRF loan is cheaper than the usual postgraduate loan by the institution.
The loan is targeting national government, county government and the police and it’s for postgraduate education only.
The loan amount per year is Ksh 500,000 and it attracts interest of 4% per year. Repayment period is 72 months and is by check-off.
Requirements to get the loan
To apply, visit Helb website or their offices. But you should produce the above documents in order to get the loan.
If you don’t qualify for the TRF loan, apply for jielimishe loan which comes with interest rate of 10% and maximum amount of Ksh 600,000.
For inquiries, contact help through 0711 052 000
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