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Here is the list of branches owned by the Bank of Tanzania and their contacts:
16 Jakaya Kikwete Road 40184Dodoma TanzaniaP.O Box 2303Tel: +255 26 2963182 – 7 or +255 22 2232541Fax: +255 26 2963189Email: :
Sub-Head Office Dar es Salaam
2 Mirambo Street 11884P.o.Box 2939Dar es Salaam TanzaniaTel: +255 22 223 4494/5/7Fax: +255 22 223 4217
Sub-Head Office Zanzibar
P.o.Box 568Zanzibar Tanzania.Tel: +255 24 223 0803 / 223 8234 – 5 / 223 6369 – 70Fax: +255 24 223 0415
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