Best small businesses to start in Kenya with little capital and become a millionaire 2023


There are over 100 businesses to start in Kenya with little capital and become a millionaire. We have seen a number of Kenyans who started with nothing but ended up being tycoons. All you need is passion, commitment, consistency, business language and customers for you to make it.The year 2023 does not have many disruptive activities, hence perfect for starting a business.

Here is a list of small capital business that will make you a millionaire this year:

  • Grocery business

People will not stop buying vegetables and fruits because they must eat to survive. Grocery shop is one of the most profitable businesses to start in Kenya with as little as Ksh 2, 000.Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu are some of the best places to set up the business, where farming is not practiced.

  • Selling bottled clean water

You can also start bottled clean water business. Nowadays people don’t boil water, they buy from supermarkets and shops. The capital for setting up this business is Ksh 200,000 to Ksh400, 000.Once the business is up, you’re capable of making in excess of Ksh2, 000 per day.

The only challenge in this business is to get licenses but once you acquire all the linceses,running it is easy.

  • Wines & Spirits shop

Wines & Spirits shop business has its own challenges,askari will harass you but once you have known how to operate,you won’t find any challenge. You should incorporate nyama choma and mutura in your business for it to yield reasonable profits.The seed capital required is Ksh 200,000 to Ksh300,000.

Nairobi.Mombasa,Eldoret and Kisumu are among the best places to set up the business.

Wines & Spirits business will generate a profit of Ksh3,000 and above daily.

  • PlayStation

There was a time PlayStation business was not existing, but nowadays this is one of the best paying businesses in Kenya. It’s also prone to police harassment but if you know how to relate with them, you will make a lot of money. You need a capital of Ksh 200,000 to Ksh500,000 to set up the business. Daily profits will range between Ksh 3,000 and Ksh20,000 depending on the size of your business.

  • Airbnb

Airbnb will also generate decent income for you. Nowadays people don’t spend much in guest houses, they prefer Airbnb where they have the monopoly of enjoying the freedom in the room.

But as you operate the business avoid filming their activities, people want privacy. Remember most of those renting your house are cheating couples who need privacy. Confidentiality is very important for the success of the business. Nobody would want to hear from third parties that you were in a specific room, simply because of a mouthy owner.

  • Car wash business

Another profitable business you should try out is car wash business. This one is easy to set up, you only need water and the machine for pumping water. A capital of Ksh100, 000 to ksh200, 000 is enough.

You will charge each car/vehicle Ksh200 to Ksh 2,000 depending on the size of the car.Per day, you will make over Ksh1, 500.

  • Bodaboda

Buy at least 2 bodaoda and employ people to work for you. Each bodaboda will generate over Ksh500 per day. In a month, you’ll make over Ksh30, 000 from two bodaboda.To purchase 2 bodaboda it will cost you at least Ksh150, 000.You can acquire them through a loan.

  • Buy Unit Trusts

If you have more than Ksh 100,000 in your account, convert it into profit by buying Unit Trusts. You see, this money will be used in buying stock and in money market fund, you will then earn interest daily.

  • Start a YouTube channel

YouTube is coming up as one of the best places to make money in Kenya.We have seen the likes of Eve Mungai making millions monthly. Running a YouTube channel is not expensive, you only need data bundles and a smartphone to take videos.

YouTubers in Kenya earn from AdSense or through sponsored content. To start earning from AdSense, your channel must meet the following conditions:

  1. It should be at least 12 months old
  2. It should have at least 1,000 subscribers
  3. You should prove that you are the owner.
  4. The channel should have high quality and original videos
  5. It should have at least 4000 watch time hours.

You will make at least Ksh 100 from 1000 views. If your channel gets 1 million views, you’ll make over Ksh 150,000.

  • Hardware business

Hardware business can make you a millionaire within a short time. The business may demand millions in terms of capital but it’s one of the best businesses to start in Kenya. You need a capital of Ksh 1 million and above

  • Selling kienyeji chicken

People are not interested in broilers anymore, they want Kienyeji chicken. If you have space, buy and rear Kienyeji chicken. You will buy one for Ksh120 and sell it for Ksh 1,000 after 6 months. If you keep 1,000 chicken, within 6 monthly you’ll make over Ksh500, 000.

  • Dairy farming

Milk is becoming very expensive and the early you start keeping dairy cows the better.Freshians are some of the cows that will yield handsome profits. If you keep 3 cows, you’ll pull in over Ksh 70,000 per month.

  • Watermelon & avocado farming

Watermelon and avocado are some of the most profitable farm products in Kenya. If you plant one of the two products, be sure of becoming a millionaire in a couple of years

  • Mobile phone repair business

Do you know there are guys who make over Ksh500, 000 per month in Nairobi by repairing mobile phones? This is one business you should start especially in major cities—you will be very rich within a short time. All you need are basic skills on how to repair mobile phones which can be obtained from any mobile repair business.

  • Selling Turkey clothes

Women in Nairobi, Kisumu and Nakuru nowadays prefer Turkey clothes over clothes from Eastleigh.Though they are expensive, women buy them in plenty. Establish the business, market it online and start making money from the sales. You will sell one cloth for Ksh 6, 000, making a profit of Ksh2, 000.

  • Butchery business

Another business you should try out is butchery business. The capital ranges between Ksh 50,000 and Ksh300, 000.This is highly profitable business which most people don’t know. The butchery business will yield over Ksh2, 000 daily.

  • Chemist

If you studied Nursing or Pharmacy, start your own Chemist. If you don’t have relevant certificate you can collaborate with someone with a certificate and start operating the business. It costs at least Ksh300, 000 to start this business.

  • Small restaurant/fast food restaurant

Business of dealing with food is also good, you can’t go wrong with this kind of business. If you live in areas like Nairobi, fast food restaurant is ideal but if you are in small towns, start a restaurant. The capital required is Ksh 300,000 to Ksh1 million.

  • Blogging/academic writing

If you are a university graduate, become a blogger and make money online. You can also do academic writing. Blogging will generate for you at least Ksh100, 000.

  • Sell chapati/Mandazi in estates

If your capital is Ksh1,000 to Ksh5,000,start selling Mandazi and Chapati in your estate. From Ksh 1, 000, you’ll make over Ksh200 in profit.If you are consistent enough, it won’t take long before you become a millionaire.

  • Sell samosa/sausage/smokies and boiled eggs

Start selling smokies/sausage/samosa and boiled eggs. The good thing about this business is that it requires small capital, you need a capital of Ksh5, 000 only.

  • Sell miraa

Miraa is one of the most underrated business but it’s profitable. Start with as little as ksh1, 000 and make huge profits.

  • Start real estate business

Start real estate business by buying and selling of land. There are plots you can buy for Ksh 100,000 and sell for Ksh300, 000.You can also be a real estate broker.

  • Transport real construction materials

Start the business of transporting construction materials. Start with just one vehicle and later acquire more vehicles.Start with a capital of Ksh800,000.

  • Bodaboda spare part business

Another business you can try this year is bodaboda spare part business.If you know how to repair bodaboda the better.


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