The maximum amount to transfer from PayPal to Mpesa per transaction is Ksh 150,000.In a day the maximum to transact is Ksh 300,000
PayPal to Mpesa transaction charges
Transaction band | Charges (KSh) | |
Min (KSh) | Max (KSh) | |
101 | 499 | 23 |
500 | 999 | 23 |
1,000 | 1,499 | 34 |
1,500 | 2499 | 34 |
2,500 | 3,499 | 56 |
3,500 | 4,999 | 56 |
5,000 | 7,499 | 85 |
7,500 | 9,999 | 85 |
10,000 | 14,999 | 112 |
15,000 | 19,999 | 112 |
20,000 | 24,999 | 112 |
25,000 | 29,999 | 112 |
30,000 | 34,999 | 112 |
35,000 | 39,999 | 202 |
40,000 | 44,999 | 202 |
45,000 | 49,999 | 202 |
50,000 | 70,000 | 210 |
70,001 | 150,000 | 210 |