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Every business oriented Kenyan wants to save money, invest ad generate income this year 2024.But there are investments you can do that will not yield any meaningful results.52-week challenge will help you set a target and achieve it by the end of 2024.Blow are some of the best investments to make through the challenge:
—Mshwari 52-week challenge
Mshwari allows you to save as little as Ksh 50 weekly. You will add Ksh 50 each week until the maximum savings clock Ksh 68,900. The savings will earn an interest of 6%.
How to set up M-Shwari Lock Savings Account for the #52Week Savings
Every week, all you have to do is go to the M-Shwari Lock Savings Account menu, and deposit the amount that is set for the week, as per the #52Week Savings saving calendar.
——Invest in Sacco Shares
I would discourage you from buying shares at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, instead buy from Saccos.Our local Saccos are very stable and they will pay you decent dividends. Most of the Saccos pay dividends of 10%-20%
The only challenge is to identify a suitable Sacco that will not disappear with your money. Some of the best Saccos in Kenya include:
Those Saccos are very stable. Apart from buying shares from them, you will also open a Savings Account and also invest in property such as land and housing.
If you invest Ksh 10,000 monthly, by December you will have shares worth Ksh 120,000. You will earn dividends of Ksh 15,000 and above that year alone.
——-Invest in Money Market Fund
Money Market Fund is an ideal investment where you save as little as Ksh 1000 per month. Insurance companies like CIC, Old Mutual and Britam have this product.
We prefer Money Market Fund because the money you invest is not subjected to any risk.
The companies pay interest of 8%-15% per year.
Assuming that you save Ksh 10,000 monthly, by December your account will have Ksh 120,000 plus interest of Ksh 10,000 and above.
——Fixed Deposit Account
Another way to fulfill your 52-week challenge is by saving in fixed deposit account. Make sure that the fixed period for saving is 52 weeks or 1 year. You will not be allowed to withdraw until 52 weeks are over. Your monthly savings will be above Ksh 5000 for you to earn high interest.
Most banks will give an interest of 4%–10% which depends on the fixed amount you will be saving.
The best banks for fixed deposit savings are: Stanbic, NCBA, Standard Chartered Bank and Cooperative Bank.
It’s upon you to select one of those options and start saving. You will eventually develop discipline which will help you build wealth.
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