Abu Dhabi Scholarships in UAE


Below is a list of scholarships offered by Abu Dhabi University:

—-Alumni Scholarship

Abu Dhabi University is dedicated to empowering outstanding students and inspiring them to pursue their educational objectives. Our scholarship and financial aid program represents a key pillar in our strategy for academic excellence and reflects our commitment to supporting the development of the UAE. We consider it an important national duty to provide equal opportunities for students interested in pursuing higher education and enable them to proactively contribute to society regardless of their financial situation.

The maximum coverage period of any scholarship is four years, or upon graduation, whichever is sooner. In some cases, English language requirements are also included. It is not necessary to re-apply for a scholarship as long as the scholarship maintenance criteria (outlined in the details of each scholarship section) are met.

The scholarship application process begins after a student is formally admitted to ADU and assigned a unique student ID number. This ID number is used to securely log in to a university account that has a section for Financial Aid and Scholarships.

As student information, including academic records, has already been processed by the university upon admission, any scholarships that the student is eligible for will appear on their account page. The student may choose to fill out the online application for any scholarship that appears here, as he/she qualifies for these scholarships based on merit. The application is completed with the appropriate details filled in by the student, along with the uploading of any required documents, and then is submitted online.

Eligibility Requirements

  • To maintain the waiver, a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 in the Master level program is required.
Rules And Regulations
  • In the case where a student qualifies for more than one tuition postgraduate scholarship, waiver or grant, the student must choose one scheme and will not be permitted to change to another scheme during his/her entire study
  • In any semester, where the minimum required CGPA is not met the student will lose the tuition fee scholarship for the following semester. Once the student’s CGPA reaches the minimum required score, the tuition fee scholarship reinstates automatically
  • Any student found guilty of a student code of conduct violation or an academic integrity offense will forfeit the tuition fee scholarship for all subsequent semesters.
  • Postgraduate Tuition fee scholarships for ADU alumni covers Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer semesters.
  • All Postgraduate scholarships, waivers, and/or grants for ADU alumni are applicable to credit hour tuition fees and do not cover any repeated courses including grades F, WA, and W.

—–Academic Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements

  • This scholarship is available to continuing students who obtain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.60 for two consecutive semesters
  • The academic scholarship will be applicable to the period of time the student is enrolled at ADU with full-time status (registered with a minimum of 12 credit hours)

Ongoing Scholarship Maintenance

  • A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.60
  • A minimum of 12 passed credit hours per semester, except for Winter and Summer terms
  • The scholarship will not cover any repeated courses including courses graded such as F, W, and W

—-H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Scholarship

Ongoing Scholarship Maintenance

  • A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.70
  • A minimum of 12 passed credit hours per semester, except for the Winter and Summer terms
  • The scholarship will not cover repeated courses including courses graded as F, WA and W

Eligibility Requirements

  • This scholarship is available to the top 20 public secondary school graduates across the UAE who are newly admitted and join ADU in the fall semester of the year that they graduate from high school only
  • Receipt of the scholarship is contingent upon the selection and formal approval from the Office of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed AI Nahyan
  • The scholarship is applicable to the period of time the student is enrolled at ADU on a full-time basis (registered with a minimum of 12 credit hours)
  • Meeting the English language proficiency requirements defined by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
  • EmSAT (or equivalent international exams) requirements: Applicants will be required to have a minimum EmSAT Math score of 1,200, English score of 1,600 and Arabic score of 900 for all colleges. 

—-Family Tuition Waiver

Eligibility Requirements

When two or more members from the same family are enrolled at ADU studying an undergraduate course, the family tuition waiver will apply a value of 15, 20 or 25 percent on tuition fees depending upon the number of family members enrolled.

The tuition waiver will be implemented as follows:

  • Each student enrolled shall benefit from a 15% waiver on tuition (family members enrolled is 2)
  • Each student enrolled shall benefit from a 20% waiver on tuition (family members enrolled is 3)
  • Each student enrolled shall benefit from a 25% waiver on tuition (family members enrolled is 4 or more)

Ongoing Eligibility Requirements

  • To maintain the tuition waiver, a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.5 is required for each family member.

—-Merit Based Graduate Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements

  • To maintain the waiver, a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 in the Master level program is required

Rules And Regulations

  • In the case where a student qualifies for more than one postgraduate waiver program, the student must choose one waiver program and will not be permitted to change to another waiver program during his/her entire study
  • In any semester where the minimum required Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is not met the student will lose the waiver for the following semester. However, if the student Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) reaches the minimum required level again, the waiver will be automatically reinstated
  • Any student who found guilty of a student code of conduct violation or an academic integrity offence will forfeit the waiver for the remaining study in ADU
  • The merit-based tuition waiver will cover winter and summer terms
  • The merit-based tuition waiver will not cover any repeated courses including grades F, WA and W

—–Athletic Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements

  • This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate active participation on ADU sports teams (either as a coach, captain or player) with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.75
  • The Athletics Scholarship will be applicable to the period of time the student is enrolled at ADU with full-time status (registered with a minimum of 12 credit hours)
  • Meeting the English language proficiency requirements defined by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
  • Approved recommendation letter from the ADU Student Affairs Department

Ongoing Scholarship Maintenance

  • A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.75
  • A minimum enrollment of 12 passed credit hours from the previous semester except for Winter and Summer terms
  • A minimum enrollment of 12 credit hours registered in the current semester except for Winter and Summer terms
  • The scholarship will not cover any repeated courses including courses graded as F, WA, and W
  • Approved recommendation letter from the ADU Student Affairs Department


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