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There are a number of Kenyans who earn Ksh20, 000 and below in Nairobi and spending this money is hard in the city considering how items are expensive. Good news is that with a Ksh20, 000 salary, you can comfortably live in Nairobi and save some cash.
If you are in a permanent and pensionable job or a long term contract, make sure you join a Sacco where you buy shares and earn dividends annually—this will help you earn passive income in future.Saccos allow members to save as low as Ksh 1,000 per month.
Since Ksh20,000 is not enough to enjoy some luxuries, you should make efforts to stop taking alcohol and limit unnecessary expenses. Ensure you don’t have many girlfriends. If possible, stick to your wife.
Here is how to budget your Ksh 20,000 in Nairobi:
Rent=Ksh 3,000 to Ksh5,000
Food and shopping=Ksh6,000
Other expenses=Ksh3,000
You will remain with Ksh 2,000 to save.
The best thing to do when your salary is small is to start a side hustle. If you are passionate about making money online, start a blog or YouTube channel. Within 2 years, your channel/blog will be generating over 10k per month for you.Alternatively,start a small business like a grocery shop/selling mitumba clothes, chapati/mandazi within the estate or hawking some items. This hustle will add extra income into your monthly income of Ksh20,000.
If you are married, don’t allow your wife to remain idle at home without a side hustle. Look for a capital of Ksh10, 000 to Ksh30,000 and give her to start a grocery shop. The Ksh20,000 salary will not be enough to feed extra mouth.
When you earn a salary of Ksh20, 000,you can’t own a car because it’s unsustainable. With such a salary, you can’t live in a house paying more than Ksh 5,000 per month.
Some of the most suitable estates to live in are:Kayole,Pipeline,Dandora,Kariobangi,Kibera,Kware,Githurai,Sowetu,Mukuru,Rongai,Ngong,Kawangware and Kangemi.
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