Best and most profitable businesses to start in Eldoret 2023


This year 2023 there are several best profitable businesses to start in Eldoret. This is one of the fastest growing towns in Kenya and soon it will become a city. Business here is booming and large corporates are setting up offices in the town. In few years to come, businesses in Eldoret will pull in more profits than those in Nairobi because of low competition, low rents and growing number of middle income earners.

If you are planning to start up a business in Eldoret, here is a list of the most profitable ones to set up in the town:

  • Wines and spirits shop

Wines and Spirits shop will yield at least Ksh3,000 per day especially if it’s located in a busy street. You need a capital of Ksh150,000 to Ksh250,000 to set up the business.

Eldoret is one of the towns with highest number of people consuming alcohol,which is why wines & spirits shop are needed in plenty.

  • Hardware business

Construction is all over in Eldoret, building materials are needed. If you set up a hardware shop, you won’t regret. You will be required to set up the business with a capital of Ksh 1.5 million to Ksh 5 million.

Hardware shop will generate more than Ksh5,000 per day.

  • Pub

Another business which will boom in Eldoret this year is a Pub.Eldoret now is competing with Nairobi and Mombasa in terms of liquor and entertainment business. If you go to Eldoret now, you’ll be surprised by the high number of pubs in the town.

This business requires a capital of at least Ksh 600,000.Make sure that the pub is up to the required standard for Eldoret residents in order to attract a good number of customers.

With a busy pub, you’ll make more than Ksh 10,000 per day.

  • Guest houses

Guest house business is also ideal in Eldoret this year. The town is getting busy by the day, it’s being visited by people from other towns. Also those using pubs and hotels in the town require guest house services.

You can start with as little as 10 guest houses and grow over time.

Buying a quarter a plot in a decent environment will cost you Ksh 1.5 million to Ksh 3 million, then spend Ksh 3 million to build decent houses. You will be charging Ksh 2,000 to Ksh7,000 per night.

  • MPESA shop

MPESA shop is business for people without high amount of capital. If you have Ksh 70,000 to Ksh150, 000,this is one of the most ideal businesses to start in Eldoret. You will also supplement the business with bank agency services.

In a day,you’ll never miss more than Ksh1,000 in profits.

  • Chemist shop

If you possess a course in Pharmacy, Nursing or related qualification, start a chemist. You can also partner with someone with the relevant qualifications and start one. Ensure you set the business in Eldoret CBD or in estates with high income earners.

You will need a capital of Ksh400,000 to Ksh1.5 million to set up a Chemist in Eldoret.

  • Farming

Eldoret receives plenty of rain, not like Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu. If you have a big parcel of land, start farming high demanded crops and supply to other towns. Crops like Maize, tomatoes, sweet potato, beans and sugarcane are on high demand in other towns.

There is no need of going to idle in Nairobi if you can afford at least 2 acres of land in Eldoret.

  • Ploughing

Buy a tractor/tractors and start the business of ploughing other people’s land. During planting season you’ll make a lot of money. Buying one tractor will cost you Ksh 1.2 million to Ksh4 million.

  • Car wash business

Another understated business but very profitable is car was business. This one will cost you at little as Ksh 50,000 to start but you’ll be making over 2k daily. The number of cars in Eldoret are increasing by day. With a specious car wash, you’ll find the business very lucrative.

  • Build rental apartments

Building rental property is like winning a jackpot. Eldoret is the best town to invest at the moment, it’s peaceful and has a lot of space for expansion. People are also moving to Eldoret for work.

  • Selling water tanks

You should also start selling water tanks to villagers in Eldoret. I am certain that this will be a unique business and it will earn you decent cash. You can set up a business of selling water tanks and other products associated with storing water and plumbing.

  • Online taxi business

There was a time Eldoret people were not enthusiastic about online taxi business, but nowadays they have embraced it.You can start by buying one car and registering it with Uber. You just need a capital of Ksh400,000.

  • Restaurant

Start a specious restaurant within the town, sell the basic meals which Eldoret people love and see yourself growing over time. Set aside Ksh1 million for starting this business.

  • PlayStation

In Eldoret there are very few PlayStations, move to the town and start the business. You will attract students and people who love football. The capital required is Ksh 300,000 to Ksh800, 000.

PlayStation business will fetch for you over Ksh 5,000 daily.

  • Dairy farming

Start keeping cattle and sell milk. You can sell to the locals, businesses in the town or to milk processing companies. The business will be motivated by the heavy rains in the town.


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