Houses to rent in Roysambu, bedsitter, one bedroom, two bedroom and prices


For those people who want to live along Thika Road, Roysambu is one of the most ideal estates to live in.Most apartments built in Roysambu contains bedsitters, one bedroom and two bedroom houses. Bedsitters and one bedroom houses are the majority.

Roysambu is an estate ideal for bachelors, university students and people earning below Ksh150, 000.The apartments are pocket friendly, with a salary of Ksh30,000,you can comfortably live in a bedsitter.

The price to rent a bedsitter per month ranges between Ksh 6,500 and Ksh 9,000.The average price is Ksh7,500.Before you occupy the house,you have to pay one month deposit ,electricity and water.If a bedsitter costs Ksh7,500 then you are required to pay Ksh18,000 to Ksh 20,000 to occupy the house.

One bedroom house costs Ksh 10,000 to Ksh 17,000.The average price being Ksh13, 000.To occupy the house,you’ll pay roughly Ksh31,000,that is by paying one month deposit, the rent for one month ,deposit for water and electricity.

To rent two bedroom house, you’ll spend Ksh15,000 to Ksh 25,000.The average price of two bedroom house per month is Ksh 20,000.

If you don’t have a family, go for a bedsitter or one bedroom house. There is no need of renting a two bedroom house when you’ll only occupy one fact, I highly recommend a bedsitter.

Most people living in Roysambu work in Nairobi CBD.The fare price per month is Ksh4,000 to Ksh 6,000.

Roysambu is one of the most secure estates in Nairobi—very few insecurity cases reported here.There is also plenty of water in the estate.


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