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Difference between Safaricom Paybill and Till Number,how to apply for till and paybill numbers

Paybill simply means paying money for something. The cost of sending money through paybill is pushed to the one paying while in till number is for paying for goods and services. When sending money through the till number, charges are incurred by the receiver of the cash.

How to pay money to the paybill number

  1. Go to MPESA
  2. Select Lipa na MPESA
  3. Select Paybill
  4. Enter Business Number
  5. Enter Account Number
  6. Enter Amount
  7. Enter MPESA
  8. Pin and send

How to send money via Till Number

  1. Go to MPESA
  2. Select Lipa Na MPESA
  3. Select Buy Goods and Services
  4. Enter MPESA till number
  5. Enter amount
  6. Enter MPESA pin and send

If you own a business, Till Number is the best one to have for receiving payments. Customers are more comfortable with till number than paybill number.

How to apply for Safaricom MPESA Paybill and till Numbers

You can apply for either Safaricom MPESA Paybill or Till Number online.

To apply for Safaricom Till Number follow this link

Below are more details you need to know about Safaricom till Number:

Rates and Charges

What are the charges for the new M-PESA Business till transactions?

Pay to another Buy Goods Till0.25 % capped at 200/-
Pay to a mobile number (B2C)Existing M-PESA Send Money charges apply
Pay to a utility till (Pay bill C2B)Standard Paybill charges apply
Withdraw at agentStandard agent withdrawal charges
Sell Airtime to customerStandard Agent Airtime commission rates


  • The business owner will be charged a maximum of 0.5% and not more than KShs.200 per transaction for money collected on the till.
  • Collections of Ksh 200 and below are FREE.
  • There are no customer charges for payments made using Lipa na M-PESA Buy Goods except for payments made at fuel stations.

  How to Activate your Till via USSD

  1. Dial *234# from the nominated number
  2. Select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  3. Enter Store number (One received on SMS)
  4. Select option 1 – Yes
  5. Accept Terms and Conditions.
  6. Submit

You will receive an M-PESA message with your operator ID and Start key PIN. You will be required to change PIN. Use the operator ID and start key then:

How to change PIN

  1. Dial *234# from the nominated number
  2. Select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  1. Enter your Store number
  2. Select option 5 – Account Services
  3. Select option 1 – Change PIN
  4. Enter operator ID (Check the SMS received from M-PESA SMS with start key)
  5. Enter old PIN (which is the start key on SMS from M-PESA)
  6. Enter New PIN (Create your own secret PIN)
  7. Confirm new PIN (Repeat your own secret PIN)
  8. Submit

You will receive a message confirming that your PIN has been changed and till successfully activated

Till SIM Swap Process:

As a merchant, you can replace your own till in order to get the sim card notification number. This is a Do-It-Yourself service. The process is FREE. You will only need to purchase a replacement line from an M-PESA agent or Safaricom retail shop near you at 50/-

SIM swap is applicable to your own till. Only the primary operator who is the nominated number can do a self SIM swap.

How the SIM Swap works:

  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select option 5 – Account Services
  • Then selection option 5 – SIM Swap
  • Enter your till number
  • Enter the IMSI number
    • IMSI Number: This is the unique identifier for the replacement line that you have acquired. It is found behind the new replacement line acquired.
  • Enter operator ID
  • Then enter operator PIN

Transaction limit for a till number is Ksh 150,000.

Withdraw Funds:

  • Withdraw to my number
  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select option 1 – Withdraw Funds
  • Under withdraw funds, select Option 1 – withdraw funds to my number
  • Enter amount you wish to withdraw
  • Enter operator id
  • Enter operator pin

You will receive an SMS confirmation with the amount withdrawn to your mobile number.

  • Withdraw Funds: From Agent

Once at the M-PESA agent,

  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select Option 1 – Withdraw funds
  • Then select option 2 – from Agent
  • Ener the M-PESA agent number
  • Enter amount you wish to withdraw
  • Enter operator id
  • Enter operator pin
  • Confirm the M-PESA agent details and amount you wish to withdraw by selecting option 1 for Yes

You will receive a pop on your phone screen that the requested withdrawal has been successfully initiated.

You will then receive an SMS from M-PESA confirmation with the amount withdrawn to your mobile number.

  • Withdraw to Bank:

There are two options under withdraw to bank i.e.

  • Withdraw all funds: in this option, the merchant will withdraw entire balance in the till.

(b) Withdraw specific amount: in this option the merchant specifies the amount of money to withdraw.

  • Withdraw all funds to bank
  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select Option 1 – Withdraw funds
  • Then select option 3 – To my Bank
  • Select option 1 – Withdraw all
  • Enter operator id
  • Enter operator pin
  • You will receive a request to confirm that you want to withdraw all funds to bank. Select 1: Yes

You will receive a pop up on your phone screen with a confirmation that your withdrawal request has been successfully initiated.

You will then receive an M-PESA notification SMS that the withdrawal request of all funds to your bank account has been successfully initiated and your funds will be credited to your bank account within 24hrs. The M-PESA Business Till balance will also be displayed.

  • Withdraw specific amount to bank
  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select Option 1 – Withdraw funds
  • Then select option 3 – To my Bank
  • Select option 2 – Specify amount
  • Enter the specific amount you wish to withdraw
  • Enter operator id
  • Enter operator pin
  • You will receive a request to confirm that you want to withdraw all funds to bank. Select 1: Yes

You will receive a pop up on your phone screen with a confirmation that your withdrawal request has been successfully initiated.

You will then receive an M-PESA notification SMS that the withdrawal request of all funds to your bank account has been successfully initiated and your funds will be credited to your bank account within 24hrs. The M-PESA Business Till balance will also be displayed.

How to make a payment: 

  • To Business Till (Buy Goods Till) 
  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select option 2 – Make Payments
  • Then select option 1 – Buy Goods
  • Enter the recipient Business Till (Buy Goods) number
  • Enter amount
  • Enter operator id
  • Enter operator pin
  • Confirm payment to the specified Business till number by selecting option 1: Yes

You will receive a pop up on your phone screen with a confirmation that your business till payment request has been successfully initiated.

You will then receive an M-PESA confirmation that the payment you initiated to another Business Till has been successfully completed. The M-PESA Business Till balance will also be displayed.

  • To Paybill Number
  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select Option 2 – Make Payments
  • Then select option 2 – Paybill
  • Enter the recipient Paybill number
  • Enter the account number
  • Enter amount
  • Enter operator id
  • Enter operator pin
  • Confirm payment to the specified Business till number by selecting option 1: Yes

You will receive a pop up on your phone screen with a confirmation that the paybill payment request has been successfully initiated.

You will then receive an M-PESA confirmation that the payment you initiated to another Paybill number has been successfully completed. The M-PESA Business Till balance will also be displayed.

  • Pay to Mobile Number
  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select option 2 – Make Payments
  • Then select option 3 – Mobile Number
  • Enter recipient mobile number
  • Enter amount
  • Enter operator id
  • Enter operator pin
  • Confirm payment of specified amount to the specified recipient mobile number by selecting option 1 for Yes.

You will receive a pop up on your phone screen with a confirmation that the payment request has been successfully initiated.

You will then receive an M-PESA confirmation that the payment you initiated has been successfully completed. The amount transferred and the recipient name and phone number and your Business Till balance will also be displayed.

Check Business Till Balance

  • Dial *234# from the nominated number
  • Then select option 2 – M-PESA Business Till
  • Then enter your head office or store number
  • Select option 5 – Account Services
  • Then selection option 2 – Check Balance
  • Enter operator id
  • Then enter operator pin

You will receive an SMS with your Business Till balance.

To apply for Safaricom Paybill Number follow this link

Safaricom paybill charges

B2C Tariff & One Account B2C Tariff
           1          49000
         50        100000
       101        500044
       501     1,000044
    1,001     1,500044
    1,501     2,500088
    2,501     3,500088
    3,501     5,000088
    5,001     7,50001010
    7,501   10,00001010
  10,001   15,00001010
  15,001   20,00001010
  20,001   25,00001212
  25,001   30,00001212
  30,001   35,00001212
  35,001   40,00001212
  40,001   45,00001212
  45,001   50,00001212
  50,001   70,00001212
  70,001 150,00001212



INDIVIDUAL1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
(Only applies to Buy Goods Product)2.Copy of identification documents of persons opening the account i.e.
   National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 Additional for Bank Settlement:
 3.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating owner’s bank details
 4.Individual KRA PIN Certificate
 For Online Business:
 5.Indicate link and/or approved documentation to conduct online
INDIVIDUALS WITH1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
RENTAL BUSINESS2.Copy of identification documents of persons opening the account i.e.
   National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 3.Copy of lease agreement/allotment letter
 4.Individual KRA PIN certificate
 5.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating owner’s or business’
   bank details
SOLE PROPRIETOR1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.Copy of Business Certificate of Registration or Business Permit
 3.Copy of identification documents of owner and contact person i.e.
   National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 Additional for Bank Settlement:
 4.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating bank details as per
   certificate of registration
 5.Individual KRA PIN certificate
 Note:Cancelled cheque or letter from bank mandatory for
 Bulk Payments and Paybills
LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
 3.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by Directors of the
 4.Kenyan directors KRA PIN certificates
 5.Company KRA PIN certificate
 6.Copy of CR12 – validity of 90 days (3 months) or recent annual
   returns with filling receipt
 7. Copy of identification documents for all the directors i.e. National
   ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 8. Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating company bank details
FOREIGN COMPANIES WITH1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE2.Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
3.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by Directors of the
(Limited Companies)
 4.Kenyan directors KRA PIN certificates
 5.Company certificate of compliance
 6.A document indicating directors of the company from their country
  similar to CR12 – validity of 90 days (3 months) or recent annual
  returns with filling receipt
 7.Copy of identification documents for all the directors i.e. National
  ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 8.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating company bank details
NON-GOVERNMENTAL1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
ORGANIZATIONS2.Copy of Certificate of Registration
(Inclusive of Foundations)3.Signed letter on letterhead from the NGO Board confirming
  registration and existence including officials
 4.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or
  directors of the organization
 5.Copy of identification documents for at least 2 directors and
  appointed operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 6.Directors KRA PIN certificates
 7.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating Organization’s bank
 8.Organization’s KRA pin certificate
FOREIGN NON-GOVERNMENTAL1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
ORGANIZATIONS WITH2.Copy of Certificate of Registration
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE3.Certificate of Compliance from Registry
(Inclusive of UN, Foundations)4.Signed letter on letterhead from the NGO Board confirming
  registration and existence including officials
 5.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or
  directors of the organization
 6.Copy of identification documents for at least 2 directors and
  appointed operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 7.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating Organization’s bank
 8.Organization’s KRA pin certificate
PARTNERSHIPS (Includes firms such1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
as accountants and advocates)2.Copy of Partnership Deed or Affidavit
 3.Copy of Certificate of Registration
 4.Company KRA PIN certificate
 5.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or
  directors of the company
 6.Copy of identification documents for at least 2 directors and
  appointed operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 7.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating Partnership’s bank
DENOMINATIONAL CHURCHES1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
(Branches of Mainstream2.Copy of Certificate of Registration
3.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
Churches e.g. Catholic,
 church officials
Anglican, etc.)4.Copy of identification documents for the church officials and
  authorized persons i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 5.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating church’s bank details
 6.Church KRA pin certificate
NON-DENOMINATIONAL1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
CHURCHES2.Copy of Certificate of Registration
 3.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
  church officials
 4.Copy of identification documents for the church officials i.e.
  National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 5.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating church’s bank details
 6.Church KRA pin certificate
CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.Copy of Certificate of Registration as a co-operative society
 3.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
  directors/authorized signatories
 4.Copy of identification documents for the director and authorized
  persons i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 5.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating co-operative’s bank
 6.Organization’s KRA pin certificate
REGISTERED CHAMAS1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.Copy of Certificate of Registration
 3.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
 4.Copy of identification documents for the officials and authorized
  operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 5.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating chama’s bank details
 6.Chama KRA pin certificate
SACCOS1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.Copy of Certificate of Registration and Trade License for the SACCO
 3.Signed letter from SASRA confirming SACCO registration on letterhead
 4.Copy of identification documents for the directors and authorized
  persons i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 5.Company KRA PIN certificate and Kenyan directors’ PIN
 6.Completion of Safaricom AML / KYC questionnaire
 7.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating SACCO’s bank details
SACCOS -WITH FRONT OFFICE1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
SAVINGS ACTIVITY (i.e. deposit2.Copy of Certificate of Registration and Trade License for the SACCO
3.Signed Letter from SASRA confirming SACCOs registration on
 4.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
 5.Copy of identification documents for the directors and authorized
  persons i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 6.Company KRA PIN certificate and directors’ PIN
 7.Completion of Safaricom AML / Kenyan KYC questionnaire
 8.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating SACCO’s bank details
PARASTATALS1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
  directors or authorized signatory
 3.Copy of identification documents for the directors and authorized
  persons i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 4.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating Parastatal’s bank details
 5.Organization’s KRA pin certificate
COMMISSIONS /1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
SEMI-AUTONOMOUS G.O.K2.Act of parliament and or gazette notice forming the institution
INSTITUTIONS3.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by Permanent
  Secretary (PS) of the line ministry
 4.A letter from the institution’s head on official letterhead forwarding
  the above documents
 5.Copy of identification documents for the directors and authorized
  persons i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 6.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating instititution’s bank details
 7.Organization’s KRA pin certificate
GOVERNMENT SPONSORED1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
SCHOOLS2.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2 board
  of governors from the DEO/County Education Director
 3.Copy of identification documents for the directors and authorized
  persons i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 4.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating school’s bank details
 5.School KRA pin certificate
PRIVATE LIMITED1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
LIABILITY SCHOOLS2.Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
3.Ministry of Education license
 4.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or directors
  of the company
 5.Company and directors KRA PIN certificates
 6.Copy of Kenyan CR12 with validity 90 days (3 months) or annual
  returns with filling receipt
 7.Copy of identification documents for at least 2 directors i.e. National
  ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 8.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating school’s details
CENTRAL GOVERNMENT–1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
MINISTRIES/GOVERNMENT2.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed Permanent Secretary
DEPARTMENTS (PS) of the line ministries
 3.A copy of the letter from National Treasury
 4.A letter from the District Accountant forwarding the above documents
 5.Copy of identification documents for the authorized operators i.e.
  National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 6.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating department’s bank details
 7.Organization’s KRA pin certificate
DEVOLVED GOVERNMENT E.G.1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
COUNTIES2.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed County Accounting
  Officer (CEE)
 3.Copy of identification documents for the signatory and authorized
  operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 4.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating county’s bank details
 5.Organization’s KRA pin certificate
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
(BANKS, DEPOSIT TAKING2.A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
MICROFINANCE)3.Copy of CR12 – validity period of 90 days (3 months) or recent annual
  returns with receipt
 4.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or directors
  of the company
 5.Company KRA PIN
 6.Kenyan Directors KRA PIN certificate
 7.A certified copy of the Financial Institution’s annual license from Central
  Bank of Kenya
 8.Copy of identification documents for the signatory and authorized
  operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 9.Completion of Safaricom AML/KYC questionnaire
 10.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating institution’s bank details
INSURANCE COMPANIES1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
 3.Copy of CR12 – validity period of 90 days (3 months) or recent
  annual returns with receipt
 4.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or
  directors of the company
 5.Company KRA PIN
 6.Kenyan Directors KRA PIN certificate
 7.Certified Copy of institutions annual license from insurance regulatory
 8.Copy of identification documents for the signatory and authorized
  operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 9.Completion of Safaricom AML/KYC questionnaire
 10.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating company’s bank details
MICRO-LENDING COMPANIES1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
 3.Copy of CR12 – validity period of 90 days or recent annual returns
  with receipt
 4.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by the directors of
  the company
 5.Company KRA PIN Certificate
 6.Kenyan Directors KRA PIN certificate
 7.A certified copy of the Financial Institution’s annual license from the
  authorizing authority
 8.Copy of identification documents for the signatory and authorized
  operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 9.Completion of Safaricom AML/KYC questionnaire
 10.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating company’s bank details
TRUSTEE1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.Certificate of Incorporation or Registration Certificate of Trust
 3.Trustee Deed
 4.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
  directors of the company
 5.Copy of identification documents for the signatory and authorized
  operators holding the power of Attorney General i.e. National ID,
  Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 6.Copy of KRA PIN certificates for signatory and authorized operators
 7.Copy of identification documents of ultimate beneficial owners (in
  cases where it’s a company, get the ultimate owners)
 8.Ultimate Beneficial Ownership declaration
 9.Address proof of the trustee
 10.Duly authenticated list of current trustees / office bearers on the
  letterhead of the entity
 11.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating trustee’s bank details
 12.Organization’s KRA pin certificate
EMBASSY1.Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
 2.Certified copy of multi-lateral agreement between the government and
  international body or any other document evidencing establishment of
  the institution
 3.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2 directors
  of the company
 4.Letter from the ambassador or the country’s Ministry Of Foreign
  Affairs to open M-PESA Pay Bill with details of signatories and their
 5.Printout of the embassy and ambassador details from the country’s
  Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
 6.List of office bearers signed by authorized persons
 7.Copy of identification documents for the signatories, ambassador,
  office bearers and authorized operators i.e. National ID, Passport/
  Alien ID/Military ID
 8.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating embassy’s bank details
 9.Organization KRA pin certificate where applicable
POLITICAL PARTIES1.Duly filled and signed Pay Bill application form and Terms & Conditions
 2.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by the party officials
 3.Party Certificate of Registration
 4.KRA PIN certificate for signatories
 5.Copy of identification documents for the party officials
 6.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating party’s details
 7.KRA PIN for party officials
 8.Request is subject to AML, legal and business approval
 9.Party KRA pin certificate
GAMING COMPANIES1.Gaming application form and Terms and Conditions
 2.Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation
 3.Company KRA PIN certificate
 4.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or directors
  of the company
 5.Copy of identification documents for the officials and authorized
  operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
 6.Company and directors KRA PIN certificates
 7.Copy of CR12 – validity period of 90 days or recent annual returns
  with payment receipt
 8.BCLB License
 9.Promotional Mechanics Marketing
 10.Plan and communication
 11.Service flow mechanics
 12.Memorandum of Association
 13.Agreements between the CSP and promoter
 14.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating company’s details
 15.Valid Fidelity Insurance and Cyber Insurance
 Note: This must go through approval by CBU prior to activation
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS1.   Duly filled and signed application form and Terms & Conditions
TRANSFER (B2B) FOR2.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or
 directors of the company
3.Copies of identification documentation for appointed persons having
  signatory authority
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS1.   Duly filled and signed application form and Terms & Conditions
TRANSFER (B2B) FOR SOLE2.Copies of identification documentations for appointed persons having
PROPRIETORS signatory authority

ADDITIONAL M-PESA ACCOUNTS: LIPA NA M-PESA KYC REQUIREMENTS: Subject to verification by onboarding teams that all other KYC are complete

Sole proprietor/individuals 1.Duly filled and signed application form and signed Terms &
  2.Copy of identification documentation for appointed operators if they
   are not the same persons as initial application
All other registered companies 1.Duly filled and signed application form and Terms & Conditions
  2.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
   directors of the company
  3.Copy of identification documentation for appointed operators if they
   are not the same persons as initial application
Upgrades from M-PESA 1.Duly filled and signed application form and signed Terms &
settlement to Bank settlement  Conditions
(Individuals/Sole proprietors) 2.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating owner’s bank details
Upgrades from M-PESA 1.Duly filled and signed application form and Terms & Conditions
settlement to Bank settlement 2.Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2
(Registered companies)  directors of the company
  3.Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating company/or
   organization’s bank details
Gaming Organizations 1.Gaming application form and Terms and Conditions
  2.BCLB License
  3.Valid Fidelity Insurance and Cyber Insurance


MEDICAL FUND1.Duly filled and signed Short term pay bill Application form and Terms
  and conditions stating purpose and duration.(Provided by Safaricom)
 2.Copy of ID/Passport/Alien /Military card of the applicant
 3.Certified supporting documents from the Hospital / Doctor treating the
  patient which should confirm the need for the collection e.g. reference
  to an operation/required treatment (on the institution’s letter head,
  stamped and signed by authorized personnel)
 4.If applying on behalf of the beneficiary;
 a. If a minor: the parents/guardian of the child should apply and
  a copy of the child’s birth certificate or Birth Notification should be
  attached to the rest of the documents as listed above
 b. If the person is incapacitated: certified copies of IDs for the
  applicant will be required
 5.Letter from the bank /cancelled cheque stating the bank details
 6.Registered Safaricom line for settlement of funds (number to be
  indicated in the application
EDUCATION FUND1.Duly filled and signed Short term pay bill Application form and Terms
  and conditions stating purpose and duration.(Provided by Safaricom)
 2.Copy of ID /Passport/Alien /Military card of the applicant
 3.Certified Admission letter and fee structure(Either stamped or on
  institution letter head)
 4.If applying on behalf of the beneficiary;
 a.If a minor: the parents/guardian of the child should apply and attach
  a copy of the child’s birth certificate
 5.Registered Safaricom line for settlement of funds (number to be
  indicated in the application form)
 6.Letter from Bank or cancelled cheque confirming bank details
FUNERAL FUND1.Duly filled and signed Short term pay bill Application form and Terms
  and conditions stating purpose and duration.(Provided by Safaricom)
 2.Applicants copy of ID/ Passport/Alien /Military card
 3.Copy of burial permit or copy of death notification
 4.Registered Safaricom line for settlement of funds (number to be
  indicated in the application form)
 5.Letter from the bank /cancelled cheque stating the bank details
WEDDING FUND1.Duly filled and signed Short term pay bill Application form and Terms
  and conditions stating purpose and duration.(Provided by Safaricom)
 2.Applicants copy of ID/ Passport/Alien /Military card
 3.Copy of wedding permit and wedding notification
 4.Registered Safaricom line for settlement of funds (number to be
  indicated in the application form)
 5.Letter from the bank /cancelled cheque stating the bank details


CHARITY/1.Duly filled and signed Short term pay bill Application form and Terms
CATASTROPHE/NGO/ and conditions stating purpose and duration.(Provided by Safaricom)
RELIGIOUS /FUND2.A covering letter from the committee stating the purpose of the Paybill
RAISING and the Bank A/C details should be stated in the letter. At least two
  Committee officials to sign the letter
 3.Letter from the bank /cancelled cheque stating the bank details
 4.Registered Safaricom line for settlement of funds (number to be
  indicated in the application form)
POLITICAL PAYBILL FOR1.Duly filled and signed Changa na M-PESA Application form and Terms
AND CANDIDATES UNDER A2.Signed Letter Justifying the need of the account
REGISTERED PARTY3.Letter from the bank /cancelled cheque stating the bank details
 4.Party Certificate of Registration.(This applies to candidates under a
  party only
 5.Individual KRA pin
 6.Signed Tariff Guide
 7.Party KRA pin for candidates applying under a registered political party

Important information

  1. Audited financial statements will not be requested for during onboarding. They will be requested based on transacted value. The transacted value (turnover) threshold will be Ksh. 1,000,000 per month. AML Team, through transaction monitoring, will ensure the report is shared with onboarding team for accounts that hit 1M on transactions per month for sales teams to follow up on submission of the following documentation depending on the category:
  • Registered companies over 1 year ago: Latest financial statements or annual returns
  • Sole proprietorship: Latest personal Returns
  • All other categories but not limited to SACCOs, NGOs, Political Pay Bills, Churches and Religious Organizations: Latest financial statements/or annual returns.
  • Where company director is a sole, resolution letters should be signed by one director and stamped/sealed. M-PESA settlement will be allowed.
  • Where CR12 document has other companies as majority shareholders, the organization is expected to provide CR12 for those companies and copy of identification documentation (IDs /passports and KRA PINs for Kenyan directors).
  • Where organizations wants to trade with other business names not as per Certificate of Registration, Trade Name Certificate should be provided.
  • Where additional tills are required for Limited Liability Companies, existing till CR12 documentation provided should be less than 2 years old. Otherwise updated CR12 current to 3 months should be provided.
  • 6.             Upon change of ownership of company’s directors, organization’s will be expected to provide updated CR12 documentation ,New directors copy of their identification documentations and their KRA pin certificates.
  • Where Sole Proprietor business permit does not indicate details as per owner identification documentation, Certificate of Business Registration to be provided proving relation of the applicant to the business.
  • Safaricom sales person onboarding must sign the application form confirming existence of premise prior to uploading the form for processing.
  • Tariff Guide must be signed by partners for all Pay bill products.
  1. For access to M-PESA Portal ,M-PESA Business Administrator form must be filled for paybill products, Bulk payment products and Buygoods -Bank settlement.

N/B: Any other business category not captured on these requirements to be advised by legal and AML on required documentation during acquisition. Application forms are available at safaricom website




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