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Men go through a lot when they get old,they face loneliness with little or no money.But for those who planned their life well, they have the best retirement.
Below is a god advise from a man on how men should plan for their retirement:
The heartbreaking story of legend Ngûgi wa Thiong’o being alone at 85, divorced and lonely hit many men with shock.
But if you have been reading these 3am Thoughts, you should not be shocked.
I have been giving several examples of men in the 60 and above category living alone, heartbroken and lonely…
Many misread my intentions… Not that I hate women.. Far from it.. but I remind men to face reality….. when you are in the 20s and 30s, in the so called “love” stage, some things cannot even register in your mind. At this stage you are tight and are called sweet names like Honey, Sweetie and Darling…
But as the children grow up, and your services are no longer needed, in the 40s and 50s, you see change in attitude…
And depending on what you did in your 20s, 30s and 40s… your 50s and 60s and 70s can get real messy… or can be very happy…
As I have been telling men, treat this as War…. vita kali… and approach life with this attitude…
I leant this more than 20 years ago when reading Micah 7
5 Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.
6 For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man’s enemies are the men of his own house.
Yaani, the Bible gives this warning not to walk Fwaa…. and not trust fwaa…. right from “The one who lieth in thy Bosom” meaning wife…
That is why our ancestors lived in separate houses…
Mwanaume ali kuwa ana jipanga mapema…
And ana ishi kivyake…. in a separate House… this model of life served our ancestors very well… they must have seen what people like Ngûgi wa Thiong’o are seeing.. They must have seen what former Alego MP, Otieno Mak Onyango saw, They must have seen what our Legend Coach Mulwa saw in his old age, they must have seen what many men in the 60s are seeing today on 16th of June, lonely as they read this…. …
Then they decided to prepare early..
Remember to do this
1. Plant positive seeds in your 20s,30s and 40s…be there for your children.. even if you are as busy as what.. be there for your children… when there is visiting day in school.. be the first… when there is a function in school, be there… when you have birthday parties, be there…..
Over my life, I’ve canceled several appointments to be with my children… I have rushed to meet birthday parties… there was a time I woke Joseck Mundara Páps at 2am, so that we drive to Bungoma from Nairobi to attend my daughter’s birthday party….
Second, if there are issues between you and your wife. take time and explain your side of the story to your children. Many women poison the minds of the children with their side of the story, and many men ignore this… only for the things kuramba them when they get old…ttreat this like the Ukraine, Russia war and make sure that your side of the story is heard, so that your children do not hate you when you grow old…. this is war.. Men, this is war!!!
Third, invest in your future.. individually… I have severally explained how I invest in the ICEA 10 year plan through my classmate in the KU Economics course Martin Njuguna…. these investment plans help you as you grow older. Just make sure you have something kept for the future…
Finally, have a separate Fortress…. have somewhere that you retreat to alone as a man. A place that you seat alone and lay down alone…..
It may be your house at the Shags, or some private place… separate from your regular home… a place where you are alone, and can reflect.. watch football, or do something… alone… get used to this right from your 30s…. you will thank me later if you haven’t subscribed to this.
Dear Men… this is War!!!! And approach life with this attitude… lest the shock hits you, when you are too weak to react….
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