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There are many investments to make in Kenya with just Ksh 1,000 and generate daily income. Ksh 1,000 may look like small amount, but it’s enough to start a business with.
If you have Ksh 1, 000, here is how to invest the money wisely:
Buy eggs, boil them and start hawking. With Ksh 1, 000, you can buy 50 eggs. If you sell all the eggs, you will make a profit of more than Ksh 200 per day.
Boiled eggs business is profitable in major towns only.
If you are good in creating videos, start a YouTube channel. The Ksh 1,000 will help you buy data for uploading the videos. The good thing is that YouTube channel creation is free.
YouTube will generate for you more than Ksh250,000 for every 1 million views.
Starting the business of selling mandazi and chapati in your business does not require license. Look for a table, set it up in a busy street .One unga of chapati costs less than Ksh300.
In a day you will be making profits of at least Ksh 300.
Set up a place in your estate where you sell fish to the residents. The capital required for this business is Ksh1, 000 to Ksh 10,000 only.
In Gikomba you’ll buy fish for Ksh 3,000 and sell the same for Ksh 4, 000, making a profit of Ksh 1,000.
Morning and evening hours are the best times to sell coffee in the streets. Prepare coffee and sell to traders in the streets. You will need cups and thermos flask for the coffee. The capital required is Ksh 1,000 only.
Uji Power is one of the booming businesses in Kenya. The porridge is mainly taken by men who want to be good in bed. Nowadays almost every estate has people who prepare uji power.
Money Market fund allows you to invest as little as Ksh 1,000 per month and earn interest daily. Most insurance companies will require you to have minimum investment of Ksh 5,000.
The interest on the investment is 6% to 21%.Sanlam, Old Mutual, CIC and Britam are some of the best companies to invest in Money Market Fund.
Fixed Deposit Account is a good place to save the money to earn interest. You can save as little as Ksh 1,000 monthly and earn interest of more than 7%.Stanbic Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Cooperative Bank,NCBA and KCB are among the best banks for Fixed Deposit savings.
Saccos allow you to buy shares from them and earn dividends annually. First become a member, then save money and invest the rest. Buying shares is very important because they will yield dividends annually.Saccos will allow you to save as little as Ksh1,000 monthly.
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