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Mcoop cash loan amount range between Ksh 1,000 and Ksh 500,000.The loan repayment period is between 1 month and 3 months. If you want to increase the limit, first ensure that you pay the loan in time. If you are given 1 to 3 months, pay even before one month is over and take another loan immediately. The more regular you pay and apply for another loan, the more you increase the limit.
Another way to increase the limit is by ensuring that you bank all the money you sold in a day into your account and withdraw when you need to buy stock.
When your credit score increases, the loan amount is also increased. If you pay within a month of taking the loan, you’ll take 1- 2 years for the limit to go past Ksh 200,000
You should also apply for the maximum loan offered by Mcoop cash loan. If your limit is Ksh 50, 000,don’t take a loan of Ksh 20,000,just take Ksh 50,000.If you take less than the limit regularly, they might even reduce the limit or the limit remain constant because they will assume that you don’t need more money than the limit amount.
Don’t default even ones. Avoid defaulting. If you default even ones, they will place you in a risk client zone. You have given them a signal that you might take more loan in future and fail to repay.
Your name should also not be in CRB.In most cases, these loan Apps and banks share information. If Cooperative Bank gets in formation that you defaulted a loan somewhere, they will not have confidence to increase your limit.
How to apply for Mcoop cash loan
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