There are a total of 25 best businesses to start in Nairobi in Nairobi, if you start a profitable business, chances of becoming a millionaire within a couple of years are high. The circulation of money in Nairobi is very high.
We have listed a total of 30 most profitable businesses to start in Nairobi in 2025 and the profits expected per month.
- PlayStation
- Car wash
- Petrol Station
- Bodaboda spare part business
- Giving out bodaboda on loan
- Grocery shop
- Chemist
- Wines and Spirits
- Selling cereals
- Executive salon ,SPA and kinyozi
- Selling mitumba bales
- Selling fresh juice
- Hardware shop
- Selling bottled water
- Recruitment agency
- Hotel business
- Car hire business
- Airbnb
- Developing rental houses
- Buying and selling land
- Garage business
- Motor vehicle spare part business
- Construction company
- Events organizing & catering company
- Shylock business
- MPESA Shop
- Luggage storage business
- Garbage collection business
- Toilets business
- Long distance matatu business
- Cake baking business
- Electronics shop
- Mobile phone repair business
- Daycare
Capital required=Ksh400,000 – Ksh 1 million
Expected profit=Ksh 5,000-Ksh20,000 per day
Car wash
Capital=Ksh 150,000 – Ksh 400,000
Profit=Ksh 5,000-Ksh 20,000 per day
Petrol Station
Capital=Ksh 5 million-Ksh20 million
Profit=Ksh20,000 –Ksh200,000 per day
Bodaboda spare parts business
Capital=Ksh1 million
Profit=Ksh 2,000 –Ksh20,000 per day
Bodaboda on loan
Capital=Ksh1 million-Ksh3 million
Expected profit=Ksh 3,000 –Ksh30,000 per day
Grocery shop
Capital=Ksh20,000-Ksh 300,000
Profit=Ksh1,000 to Ksh40,00 per day
Captal=Ksh 400,00-Ksh 1 million
Profit=Ksh3,000- Ksh 50,000 per day
- Wines and Spirits
Profits=Ksh2,000-Ksh 30,00 per day
- Selling cereals
Capital=Ksh50,000-Ksh 300,000
Profit=Ksh1,000-Ksh 30,000 per day
- Executive Salon,SPA and Salon
Capital=Ksh 300,000-Ksh 1.5 million
Profit=Ksh 2,000-Ksh 20,000 per day
- Selling mitumba bales
Capital=Ksh 300,000-Ksh1 million
Profit=Ksh 5,000 –Ksh 30,000 per day
- Hardware shop
Capital=Ksh 1 million-Ksh 5 million
Profit=Ksh 10,000-Ksh100,000 per day
- Selling bottled water
Capital=Ksh 300,000-Ksh 1 million
Profit=Ksh 3,000-Ksh 30,000 per day
- Recruitment agency for gulf companies
Capital=Ksh200,000-Ksh 1 million
Profit=Ksh5,000-Ksh30,000 per day
- Hotel business
Capital=Ksh 200,000-Ksh 2 million
Profit=Ksh 2,000-Ksh 50,000 per day
- Car hire business
Capital=Ksh 1 million and above
Profit=Ksh3,000 and above per day
- Airbnb
Capital=Ksh20,000-Ksh 100,000
Profit=Ksh 1,000-Ksh10,000 per day
- Developing rental houses
Capital=Ksh 1million and above
Profit=Ksh30,000 and above per month
- Garage business
Capital=Ksh 500,000-Ksh2 million
Profit=Ksh 5,000-Ksh 50,000 per day
- Motor vehicle spare part business
Capital=Ksh 1 million-Ksh3 million
Profit=Ksh 5,000 and above per day
- Shylock business
Capital=Ksh 100,000 and above
Profit=Ksh 2,000and above per day.
- MPESA shop
Capital=Ksh 100,000 and above
Profit=Ksh1, 000 and above per day
- Garbage collection business
Capital=Ksh 500,000 –Ksh3 million
Profit=over Ksh 5,000 per day
- Electronics shop
Capital=Ksh1 million-Ksh10 million
Profit=Ksh 3,000 – Ksh50,000 per day
- Cake baking business
Capital=Ksh 300,000-Ksh1 million
Profit=Ksh 3,000-Ksh50,000 per day
- Daycare business
Capital=Ksh 100,000-Ksh1 million
Profit=over Ksh 20,000 per month